My posts are a mix for the health and wellness enthusiast, with an emphasis on wholistic body-mind healing practices and understanding. But wholism, of course, includes everything anything to do with our wellbeing could end up in here.


I hope you find something useful that yields a solution for you or inspires insight and new ideas.




Transcending Warm Stone Massage – How it Works – Why it is Profound

Transcending Warm Stone Massage – How it Works – Why it is Profound

How can massage with stones be comfortable?  Sounds a bit weird, right? Well … let’s think about it. Healers have always used nature as their guide … and nature has always provided tools that resonate with us because … of course …  we are also part of nature. Many...

Transcending Warm Stone Massage – How it Works – Why it is Profound

A Chilly Reason to Love Rice

An occupational therapist friend of mine shared this tip with me a few years ago, and it's been my go-to ever since to prevent swelling and bruising. What do you do when you accidentally bash into something, drop a heavy item on your foot or overwork your hands or...

How to Prepare to Get the Most from Your Massage

How to Prepare to Get the Most from Your Massage

How do you get ready to receive a professional massage? Maybe you’ve had massage by different practitioners with mixed results.  Maybe you’ve never had massage but you’re interested and unsure how to go about it.  Maybe someone gave you a gift certificate to...

How to Participate to Get the Most from Your Massage Session

How to Participate to Get the Most from Your Massage Session

As recipients of massage, we tend to think of our role as objective and passive ... but is that the best way? Why are you on the massage table?  Most often, it’s because you feel wiped out or you’re hurting…and you just want someone to take all the weariness,...

After your Massage Session – How to Take Advantage of the Benefits

After your Massage Session – How to Take Advantage of the Benefits

I call this Post-Session Awareness.  It’s such a rich gift to ourselves that most of us don’t pay attention to.  But if you want to continue receiving the profound benefits of massage on a regular basis, this is like a gold mine. Post-session awareness stretches at...

Change is Hard

Change is Hard

Listen to anyone who teaches about making change, and they will all tell you in their own way that change is the hardest thing to do. Have you ever wanted something new or different, but never got it? You thought about it a lot, even about how you might achieve it…but...

Self care vs Other care

Self care vs Other care

The perennial challenge in the question of how to be caring, supportive and loving is that you and I are always individuals with needs and desires and we’re always part of a group with needs and desires. Sometimes we need to serve ourselves first and sometimes it’s...

Business Needs to do a Better Job at Employee Wellness

Business Needs to do a Better Job at Employee Wellness

Bringing wellness to the workplace isn't just about having a gym in the building, or offering yoga or meditation classes at lunchtime. Wellness in the workplace means having sane schedules that don’t squeeze every ounce of energy from a person. It means having a...

Appointment Hours




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