Transcending Warm Stone Massage – How it Works – Why it is Profound

by Dec 21, 2023



Warm Stone Massage

How can massage with stones be comfortable?  Sounds a bit weird, right?

Well … let’s think about it.

Healers have always used nature as their guide … and nature has always provided tools that resonate with us because … of course …  we are also part of nature.

Many cultures have traditionally used the stones … the crystals … and the plants around them … to help them heal and survive.  The heating of stones has been used in spiritual rituals … like the sweat lodge of the American Indian … as well as, of course, for the basic needs of cooking.

Rock, stone, earth and clay are primal and they address something that’s deeply rooted and comforting in us.

The stones I use in my Transcending Warm Stone Massage are gathered from the northeast coast of the US, the beaches of Scotland and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.

They’re chosen for their mixed sizes, textures and compositions … and because they feel right in my hands.

Throughout the massage session, I keep them nicely warm in heated water.

Now, let me give you a little understanding as to why stone massage is so effective. 

All life is made possible by electromagnetism … the marriage of electric and magnetic energy.  It creates the movement necessary between negatively and positively charged ions in the human body.

Our electromagnetic energy is normally a self-generating circuit.

Negative Ion

However … in this era …  our bodies and brains are powerfully influenced chemically, emotionally and physically by our environments … including to a great extent the endless waves of wifi frequencies that move through and around us.

When these environments are stressful and discordant they cause ionic distortion within us … usually in the form of an overload of positively charged ions.  This imbalance in our circuits leads to malaise and illness to some degree.

Positive Ion

We know that our bodies are somewhere around 70 to 80% water …  and water is the foundation of all the fluids that … remove  metabolic waste … maintain our temperature … that transport nutrients and hormones … to digest our food .. create new tissues … allow us good sleep … and so much more.

In the form of cerebrospinal fluid, it allows messages between the brain, the endocrine system (AKA the hormone system) and the rest of the body … informing the tissues how to function properly.

So what does all this have to do with stones and massage?

Well … because water molecules are charged both positively and negatively, when we introduce the electromagnetic energy of the stones during the massage session, the fluids of the body pick it up and carry this balancing influence throughout the whole system.

And that’s why you feel so marvelous during and after a Transcending Warm Stone Massage.

This is a slow, harmonizing treatment with a meditative element.  

The various shapes and sizes of my stones fit different parts of the body. 

Some stones are left in place for a while to penetrate deeply. Some are used actively in the massage and some of the massage is done by hand.

I also incorporate essential oils if you’re not allergic to them.

Some clients report …  that their relaxation and sense of wholeness is much deeper than when massaged by hand alone.  Others say the healing is profound beyond words.

If this interests you, speak with me and ask your questions … or just book a session and find out for yourself.  A verbal description can’t fully convey any experience.

Just try to explain the taste of an exotic food to someone who’s never eaten it … and watch their puzzled expression.

So, I invite you to erase the worries of the world … immerse yourself in a safe, stress-free zone …  to regain your equilibrium … and stop feeling tossed in all directions.

Get your steady energy back.

A healthy, fulfilling life should not be a luxury for the lucky few.  It’s for all of us.

I hope to see you soon.

BOOK your Transcending Warm Stone Massage HERE

Brenda has been a full-time massage and bodywork practitioner since 1979, focusing on wholistic mind-body healing. She owns A Touch of Wellness in Largo, Florida


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